New integrated PT fare in Baden-Württemberg (2020; for civity Management Consultants; in German)
Long distance coach market increase by 500% (Internat. Verkehrswesen 3-2013; in German)
Developing Public Transport markets for senior people (2011; in German)
PPP-approach for an express train stop at the Tropical Islands Resort Berlin (2005; in German)
Renewal of PT hubs in the Federal state of Saxony-Anhalt (1997; DSSW 24, pg. 45-52 / in German)
Comments on rail track pricing systems (Schiene 1/1995, S. 20-21; in German)
31.12.2010 'Reise-Scouts' among the highlights of the year 2010 in tourism
08.09.2010 Market launch of Reise-Scouts travel companion service
inno-mobil – Jens Gertsen Mobiltiy Solutions